Helios success lies in its commitment to provide customized trading solutions to its clients with professionalism and expertise, and in identifying strongly with the outcome. This sense of responsibility means we always strive to add value and are pro active in finding the right solution for our buyers, sellers, partners etc.

Presence on the Ground
We are always there on the ground,whether it’s in the forest for the timber, farms for the agro products or mine head for the minerals assuring product quality and competitive prices. Helios brings with it a “fresh and innovative” approach to sourcing by reaching to the farthest point of sourcing.

Logistics Management

Quality First

Professional Manpower
Helios boasts of wellQualified Manpower with exposure to various working systems of the world. We have effective systems in place considering the dynamics of trade in different sectors and are proud of the workforce which understands the different nuances of the trade.

Long Standing experience

Highly Networked